About us

about us
La Lata  Fish Treasures

Hola! My name is María and I am from Galicia, a beautiful green corner in the northwest of Spain, above Portugal and on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean.

In the rest of Spain my region is well known for the quality of its seafood. We have always lived from the sea, taking care, respecting and pampering it to continue picking the best fruits. Only a true fisherman are the ones who care for and respect the natural rhythms of marine life, selecting the best product to achieve the perfect balance. And the same happens in the canning industry. That is why I have selected producers that have a high tradition in the sector and attend to all the small steps of the canning process.

Since I live in the Netherlands I have always missed good quality canned fish, very difficult to find here. That is why I decided a few years ago to import the best canned fish with a beautiful packaging design to make you enjoy with your eyes and palate the best selection from Spain and Portugal. I hope you enjoy canned fish as much as I do!